Terms & Conditions
The following Terms & Conditions apply to every artist engaged with Gallery 4% in any manner whatsoever
General Terms & Condition
• Every artist participating in any of the initiatives of Gallery 4% must be 18 years or older.
• Artists submitting their work with Gallery 4% agree to let the gallery use their artwork for any and all promotional purposes, including but not limited to display on its official website, social media handles, and any other marketing medium.
• Any transaction fee arising from any payment made by the artist to the Gallery shall be borne by the artist and not the gallery.
• All fees paid to the gallery are non-refundable and any refunds made shall be at the sole discretion of the gallery.
• Any payment made by the gallery to the artists shall be via PayPal only.
Art Show
• Gallery 4% has, at present, two different types of art shows including solo art shows and group art shows. Gallery 4% shall reserve the right to make the final choice about the participants of these shows.
• The duration of the shows shall be 60 days each and artists can submit 15 artworks for the solo art show and 5 artworks for the group art show.
• The final cost of creating an art show shall be decided by the Gallery.
• Gallery 4% takes upto 30 days to confirm a group art show and find 4 other artists. If in case a show can’t be created, you can opt for a solo show of 40 days or take a full refund.
• Depending upon their choice of show, artists can choose to extend their show by paying an additional fee. However, the final decision to provide an extension is of the gallery. If for any reason, a show is not extended, the artist shall be informed about such cancellation and will receive a full refund excluding any transaction cost incurred by the artist.
• It is the responsibility of the artist to provide all the correct information requested by the gallery, including the details of the artwork, and their bio to create a successful art show. If an artist fails to provide such information, the gallery shall not be liable for any delay caused in the creation of the show.
• The artist must agree to submit their original artwork free from any plagiarism. If for any reason the gallery believes the artworks to be plagiarized, it can immediately cancel the show with no liability to make the refund.
• Gallery 4% is entitled to applicable commissions if an artwork is sold through these art shows.
• Any payment received by the gallery for any of the art shows is fully non-refundable but can be adjusted toward any other offer by the gallery, provided, that it has not started the work to prepare the show.
Juried Art Contests
• Gallery 4% organizes juried art contests based on different themes where participants can submit their artworks after paying the specified fee.
• Gallery 4% reserves the right to invite its own discrete jury to decide on the winners .
• The decision made by the jury shall be final and cannot be challenged.
• The jury reserves the right to disqualify an artist based on suspicions of plagiarism, or the use of AI to generate artworks until proven otherwise.
• No artwork shall be accepted without appropriate payments. If an artist is found to have bypassed the payment, any prize given to them shall be forfeited, including the cash prize.
• Gallery 4% doesn't promise any cash prize or award simply on the basis of participation. Participants will only get the award if the jury chooses them as winners.
• The final amount of the cash prize shall be decided on the basis of total submissions. The gallery does not need to convey such information in advance.
• If there is more than one winner for any cash prize segment, the prize money shall be equally divided among them.
• The gallery will notify the winners via email and request them to send the details for receiving the cash prize if they have won any within 10 days. The cash prize of any winner who doesn’t provide their bank details shall be held back until such details are provided by the winning artist.
• Any transaction fee levied to make the cash prize transfer shall be borne by the artist.
• The Gallery may take up to 30 days to transfer the cash prize to the winners upon receiving all the information.